Young Malang
Youthful Malang is a 2013 Punjabi language Indian lighthearted comedy movie, coordinated by Rajdeep Singh, composed by Manshendra Kailey and delivered by Rahulinder Singh Sidhu. The film stars Yuvraj Hans, Neetu Singh, Vinaypal Buttar, Anita Kailey, Balli Riar and Anjana Sukhani, and appeared 20 September 2013
Executive: Rajdeep Singh
Essayists: Manshendra Singh Kailey (screenplay), Kravi Shankar (exchange)
Stars: Balli Riar, Yuvraj Hans, Vinaypal Buttar
Executive: Rajdeep Singh
Essayists: Manshendra Singh Kailey (screenplay), Kravi Shankar (exchange)
Stars: Balli Riar, Yuvraj Hans, Vinaypal Buttar